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Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13 -- Rolling Along -- Enroute Geneva to Cremeaux

Good Day, It is about noon in Geneva and we have packed our bags and picked up the rental car.  Mariusz is driving and I am typing. Sunday was a marvelous day.  We enjoyed making friends.  We got to know people from Congo and Canada.  The Family of God is a wonderful group filled with Love.

As we roll along through the French country side we enjoy alternating periods of rain and sunshine.  We pass through tunnels. We look out over beautiful valleys.  We pass through quaint rustic villages.  We are reveling in our Father's love. 

When we got the rental car, we had reserved the very least expensive model.  But, the manager had a much more comfortable model he needed to get to Paris.  So for the same low price we are living in Father's abundance.  God is so kind to us.

Mariusz is very happy he is driving and I am not.  I share his joy.  He is a very fine driver.

We love you all.

His, thus Yours,


Shannon Dee Bailey said...

You got to love that. An upgrade on the car just when you needed a car. <3
God's awesomely into even the little details of our day like our comfort :-)

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