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Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12 -- Transglobal Feast -- Near Geneva

Good Morning, I hope you also have a cup of coffee or tea.

Yesterday we retrieved Mariusz from the Geneva Airport.  So the team is together.  Whoopee !

Mariusz arrived exhausted.  There was no way he was going to nap in the apartment.  So after moving all our things out of the living / dining room we walked to the local bakery for some coffee and snacks.  There we sat at an outdoor table and shared crumbs with the local sparrows.  God takes care of them and he sent us to do our part.  As we sat it was such a joy to just sit and be brothers.  We chatted and reminisced and marveled at the goodness of God.

We came back to the apartment in time to help with the last minute preparations for our Transglobal Feast.  When we all sat down it was an interesting family gathering.  There were: 3 Americans who are long-term residents of France; 1 American resident of Maryland in the USA; 1 resident of Poland; 1 New Zealand native now resident of and becoming citizen of India; 1 native of South Africa now resident of and citizen of India; 1 citizen of South Africa now a resident of Switzerland; 2 citizens of Germany now residents of Switzerland.  But, the most wonderful part was that every adult was a confirmed citizen of the Kingdom of God and the children are both being raised to become full Kingdom citizens also. Despite all our cultural differences our Kingdom citizenship made us all very comfortable functioning in complete unity.

Their have been many atrocities of ethnic discrimination, segregation, and genocide committed around the world with participation or acquiescence by the institutions which mascarade  as the church.  Hitler, Aparthied, Slavery and ongoing discrimination are examples that come quickly to mind.

But Jesus and His one true Bride stand out as quite different from these institutional frauds.  We are marked and identifiable by our love.  Love, true genuine selfless love is our fundamental character -- Love of God, of each other, of our enemies, of the widows and orphans, and love of the strangers with whom we come in contact.

Take a moment and recheck your identity, Jesus said that men will know we are His disciples because we have love for each other.

His, thus Yours,


Shannon Dee Bailey said...

Sounds like quite a kingdom family reunion of sorts :-)

I am OH said...

It kind of reminded me of the last supper in that the participants, sons of God such as yourself, had diverse backgrounds. "So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together." (1 Cor 11:33)

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