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Thursday, July 11, 2013

He Became Sin

Much ado is made around churchianity about Jesus who as our saviour became sin on our behalf.  So much so that often people talk about receiving Jesus as saviour to the exclusion of ever getting around to acknowledgement of His Lordship.  Sadly this ignorance of His role as Lord results in a complete misunderstanding of the purposes of God and the ways of living in relationship with the person of God the Trinity. 

Moreover, the idea of Jesus becoming sin is somewhat difficult to accept because of the popular idea that somehow God cannot possibly abide the presence of sin.  An idea so emphasized that at times it seems like sin to God is like kryptonite to Superman.  But, this idea is of course absurd.  It is not that God cannot handle sin.  Rather it is that a man who chooses sin is concurrently choosing that he, the man, does not wish to live in the presence of God.  A choice which God is willing to honor.  People who go to hell are being loved by God who honors their choice to live separate from Him.

Jesus becoming sin on our behalf is indeed a fundamental truth related to our salvation. His being crucified produced the death penalty which was required as the price of sin.  Because he was without sin, his taking on sin and paying the penalty for sin did in fact pay the penalty on our behalf.  But, how could he possibly take on our sin without damaging His personal relationship with God the Father?  It is because His taking on sin was not a violation of His relationship but was in fact a means of expressing that relationship.  You see sin is not the problem for God.  It does not scare Him or weaken Him at all.  His concern is about our relationship with Him.  Thus, for those of us who love Jesus and have accepted His gift of paying the price for all our sin (past sin, present sin, and future sin) Father is not concerned about our occasional sins.  His concern is for the intimacy of our relationships with Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit, and the Father Himself.  

How are you doing with walking in an intimate friendship with each of Them.  They would truly enjoy your spending time chatting with each of them. Find your place of freedom to walk and talk with them.

His, thus Yours,


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