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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sharing the Joy

Good Morning,  I have noticed that several of you have been sharing links to various pages of my blog on FaceBook.  I feel deeply honored.  As a result of your efforts many more people are reading the blog.  I appreciate your sharing the link, even with brief quotes from the page, because that gives people a source for the context and let's them know who to blame for my mistakes.  You all make me feel deeply loved and honored.

Grammatical / contextual note:  When women receive Holy Spirit they receive power to become sons of God.  In Christ there is neither male nor female.  When ever I use the term sons of God I am not excluding those who were born female.

As Mariusz and I travel throughout Europe, we continuously experience an internal Joy.  As we sit and chat with people, sometimes we are talking about world problems, sometimes about very personal problems, occasionally we are grieving with someone who has suffered loss, more often we are rejoicing with someone who is feeling blessed, often we are teaching principles of the Kingdom; but, always we are filled with an internal joy.  (Yes, including this week when my new iPhone was stolen.)  This internal joy comes as a gift from God.  It is a fruit of our growing in Holy Spirit.  

There is a special depth of joy for each son of God in knowing that we, as sons sent by Papa God, are allowing the works of God to be built into the lives we touch.  This is true for every son of God.  Whether we travel or stay in one place; whether we raise the dead or wash the dirty dishes; whether we are changing diapers or changing the paradigms through which men see the world; because we believe in who we are as the sent sons of God each of us is seeing the work of God happening around us. (See Scriptures below.)  Oh, I know that it is often more difficult to believe one is a sent son when the task at hand is washing the dinner dishes.  But it is that very believing you are a sent son which releases you to see the work God is doing.

It is easy for me to believe in Jesus.  We have two thousand years of human experience to prove He is exactly who He says He is.  The challenge is to believe that I am who He says I am.  I have experience to prove that I am a sinful, evil, creature.  And, I have an accuser continuously reminding me of my failures and shortcomings.  But, Jesus says: I am the righteousness of God.  I am sent like He was.  Thus, I am intended to be the Word of God (Jesus) become flesh to dwell among men.  Jesus says He believes in me.  Can I believe in me?  Can you believe in you?  You are also a sent son.  You are the righteousness of God.  You are Jesus become flesh to live with people.

If you will choose to believe in yourself, just as Jesus had to choose to believe in Himself, then you will see God working around you in amazing ways.  You will not have to do the works.  God has already done them.  You just need to believe.  Every time a son of God walks into any situation, God stuff happens.  As the great Bill Johnson of Bethel in Redding, California said, "We leak!" 

His, thus Yours,

John 6: 28-29 (NASB). 
Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”

John 20: 21 (NASB). 
So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”


Jamie Jo said...

"The challenge is to believe I am who HE says I am"

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