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Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14 -- Spiritual Common Sense -- Kraków

Good morning, while I was having my first cup of coffee a few weeks ago, I stepped out on the porch to look up at the mountain that towers over Zakopane.  I was surprised to discover that during the night the entire mountain completely disappeared.  It simply cannot be seen.  Instead I only see a vast grey expanse of empty cloudy sky.  However, even though I am confident in my eyesight, I still would not send my son flying his airplane in that direction.  Why not ?  Because most of us have learned that seeing something with our natural vision is a sure indication that something exists.  However, not seeing the thing with our natural vision does not mean it does not exist.  

Ah, but, my son is an excellent pilot.  Most frequently now he is flying a Blackhawk Helicopter.  It is equipped with computerized mapping systems, global positioning satellite equipment, radar altimeter, and all manner of sophisticated navigation equipment.  So, if my son were to choose to take off from here and fly in the direction of the mountain, I would be glad to fly with him.  I would have no fear of crashing into the mountain, because I know that he can "see" things that I cannot.  And I know, he knows exactly what the dangers are and how to deal with them appropriately.

Sadly, I have noticed that for many of my church friends, when a few clouds drift in, they are not only afraid of the mountains.  They have begun to doubt even the existence of the sun which evaporated the water to form the clouds.  Friends let us keep our spiritual common sense.  Just because you do not see things clearly at the moment, what sense does it make to doubt the God who created the whole universe.  Jesus, His Son, has everything He needs to find a safe path for you.  Get in with Him, sit back and relax and follow His guidance.

His, thus Yours,


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