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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What Can You See Today

My good friend Rob is a brilliant man. I mean brilliant - genius level IQ kind of brilliant. He has walked with the Spirit of The Lord for decades. He has had a longing to understand Biblical prophecies for most of that time. He has gone through periods when the forces of Satan were beating him severely. And He has gone through periods of seeing the miracles of God on a regular basis. He has had a deep hunger for knowing and understanding the Scriptures. He has always been a fellow who pays attention to the details of things he studies. He has been through many life experiences, some good, some bad. He is about as old as I am.

Yesterday, Rob and I were chatting on the Skype. He was telling me about a facet of understanding one of the most complex books of the Bible. It was a simple thing. And yet, despite all his years of study, he had never recognized it before. I likewise had never seen it before he described it to me.

Once he had shown it to me it was totally obvious. One of those but of course, that is simple and clear. So far as Rob or I know no one else has ever written or spoken about this simple reality. But, suddenly there it is as plain as the sunrise on a clear summer day.

Why, I ask myself, did neither of us notice this before ?

Simply, it was not yet God's time for us to see it before.

The Scriptures are filled with examples of men and women not being able to see or understand a thing until God was ready to reveal it.

Perhaps the time has come for each of us to stop moaning and crying about what we do not know. Today is the day The Lord has made for us to walk in what we do know and let Him carry the burden for all the things that we do not yet see.

His, thus Yours,



Mike Mader said...

Stu, As usual you manage to get the point across clearly. God's timing is everything... In blessing, in opening our eyes to Truth, in lifting our spirits, in loving discipline. How would the world be changed if everyone in the Body of Christ exercised their giftedness as led by the Spirit fully accepting who they are in Christ? Good to have you back and looking forward to your next visit. I have new people who need to "experience" you. Take care and let God continue to bless and guide you. Mike.

Shannon Dee Bailey said...

Loved your post. So what was it that you and Rob saw finally that you didn't see before. You know me. I am the curious one always looking for fresh bread. Don't tell me you and Rob got some fresh bread and your gonna hoard it all to yourselves :-) Ya can't share all that and not share what the revelation was....that's not cool :-(

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