I awoke a bit early this morning. So, with my first cup of coffee I was watching some very interesting shows on the History Channel's H-2. The first program was a well constructed study of how the development of connections among people have influenced the course of history. The second, likewise was a well constructed study about how natural forces (volcanos, ice ages, floods, wind storms, etc.) have influenced the course of history.
As I reflected on the teachings of the programs, I could not help but notice a glaring omission from their content. Indeed it has become the glaring omission from virtually all public communications in modern life. The omission: Any acknowledgement of God's role in the development of human history.
Prior to the early 20th century, the influences of natural disasters on the affairs of man were commonly referred to as "Acts of God." Discoveries, scientific break throughs and inventions were frequently viewed as revelations from the creator God of the Universe. Penicillin was a gift of a merciful God to mankind. Alexander Graham Bell's first words on the telephone were reported to be: "What has God wrought ?"
Think about your own conversations. How frequently we use words like:
Luck, Fortune, Chance, Coincidence, Unlucky, Unfortunate, Misfortune.
In our popular fictional detective stories, in our court room trials, we readily acknowledge that we do not believe in coincidence. In our conversations we develop expressions like, "Where there is smoke there is fire." So, it is clear that when it comes to the affairs of men, we readily acknowledge that men cause events to happen.
Why then do we choose not to acknowledge the roles of God and Demons in the affairs of history ? If we worship The Lord God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, Author and Finisher of our Faith, the Alpha and Omega; how is it that we ignore His role in our version of history. If He is who we claim He is, then true history really is His own very personal story.
The worshippers of demons whether allah or beelzebub or any of the other myriad tools of Satan including the demons of secular humanism are often quite open about their acknowledgement of the roles of their demons in human events. Terms like jihad and channelling are commonly sprinkled through their explanations of their purposes and the events of history. Ah, but, when it comes to the role of the loving creator God in the affairs of man, we His own people people so often fail to acknowledge Him.
True history really is His Story. Let us resist the temptation to allow others to rewrite it and leave Him out of the story.
His, thus Yours,
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