I really should ...
If I don't do it, who will ?
If I don't the consequences could be ...
What will she think if ...
Do you find yourself thinking or saying things like these ?
All of them (and many similar ones) reflect the feelings of fear and/or guilt that are Satan's tools to manipulate us.
God is love. Perfect love casts out ALL fear. So God never uses fear as His means to guide His children.
There is NO condemnation those who are in Christ. So God never uses guilt to guide His children.
So it is really simple. If you are a child of God.
Feelings of fear, of guilt, of fear of God's rejection or disapproval; these things are never God's way to lead us. Neither is the fear of what other people will think of us.
Father's voice is one that expresses love and encouragement. He invites us to engage with Him in an adventure that cannot possibly work if the Holy Spirit is not carrying the responsibility for what is happening or not happening.
The work of God is to believe in Him who was sent.
Jesus was very tired as He sat down beside a well, but still He believed in Himself as one sent by the Father. His simple act of asking for a drink of water started a conversation which led to the transformation of an entire city.
Jesus is sending you in the same way He was sent.
If you will simply believe in yourself as one sent by God, you too will see miraculous transformations happening in and through the people whose lives you touch.
Every moment of everyday is an adventure. This is not because of what we fear, or what we feel guilty about. It is simply the result of who we are and know ourselves to be.
Yes, YOU are a sent child of God. Believe in yourself and the anointed one who lives in YOU.
His, thus Yours,
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