If we have heard it once it seems we have heard it hundreds of times. The exhortation of leaders for us to be BOLD to declare our faith is a common recurring theme, The Scriptures, however, are replete with examples of God instructing His people to use a completely opposite tactic.
Consider just a few examples:
When God was looking for a leader for His people, He chose Gideon, a man who was busy hiding himself. When God instructed Gideon about how to lead, He did not favor a large army that could not be hidden. He wanted a paltry group of 300 who would readily escape notice. When He led them into battle He did not say lift your light up high for all the World to see, He said to hide the light inside a clay pot. BOLD, not at all; actually very secretive.
When Moses the greatest leader of the Old Covenant was born; he was hidden in a basket. When he killed the brutal Egyptian, he ran away and hid for 40 years.
When Jesus was an infant, God had Joseph run away and hide in Egypt until Herod had died. Jesus, unlike many "churchianity" leaders today, did not have a public advertising campaign. Indeed, He asked the people who received healing and blessing from Him to keep the matter a secret.
When the Apostle Paul was threatened, he hid and snuck out of town. He did not call a press conference.
The repeated calls for "christians" to be bold has had the appalling result of persuading them to be rude, obnoxious, judgmental people who attack other people's beliefs and actions and claim they are doing so in "love." With friends like these who needs enemies.
Do not misunderstand. If the loving God is asking you to love people and speak to them about the Kingdom of God, I urge you to do what He suggests. But always remember that the LOVE which is God's character is always more significant than the need for you to speak any particular truth. Love people.
Be slow to speak. Avoid ever speaking judgment. Be a comfort to people allowing the Comforter to flow through you.
His, thus Yours,
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