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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weapons of Our Warfare -- OBJECTIVES

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.    II Cor. 10:3-4 

When we engage in the spiritual warfare that is a daily part of life, it is important that we understand what our God given objectives are and are not.  Notice first in the quote above our weapons are for the destruction of fortresses, also translated the tearing down of strongholds.  What are these fortresses or strongholds?  The best description I have heard is that a person is caught in a stronghold/fortress when he knows the will of God and wants to do it but he has no hope of actually accomplishing it.  Satan and his demonic forces build these imprisoning strongholds by building powerful deceptions and character traits into the lives of their victims.

The Scripture teaches us that Jesus came to us for the purpose of tearing down the works of Satan.  His resurrection from death served as proof positive that the Satanic purposes to kill, corrupt and destroy were all totally subject to the power of the Sons of God and all equally vulnerable to being torn down at any time the Father instructs us to act.  We are warriors.  We are not victims.  We are a family of champions who rise to assist and set free the victims who are not able to free themselves.

Of course, any warrior foolish enough to set out on the battlefield without putting on all of his armor is in for a very bad day.  In the evil day which we have been told to expect, merely remaining standing at the end of the day is a victory.  But, we are not merely intended to put on our armor and barely survive.  We are intended, like Jesus, to be engaged in tearing down the works of Satan under our Father's direction.

Notice, it is the works of Satan we are tearing down.  I have known folks who became obsessed with fighting and casting out demons.  That is a silly and fruitless preoccupation.  If no demons get in the way of the job you were sent to accomplish, do not let them disrupt your focus on the task at hand.  If they get in the way, kick them to the curb and move on.

The objective is to set people free.  It was for freedom that Christ has set us free.

His, thus Yours,


Anonymous said...

I finally understand the purpose of Spiritual Warfare. It is especially important for coming persecution of Christians in the United States.

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