Most of the ideas in this blog entry were published previously in June of 2013. Papa God asked me to refresh it and publish it again for you today.
Spiritual foundations are very important to our lives. Jesus talks about the difference between the person who builds his foundation on the rock and the one who builds his foundation on sand. In Ephesians, the Holy Spirit instructs us that the foundation for the Church of Christ is Jesus as the cornerstone in connection with apostles and prophets. Anyone who thinks they are part of the Church without being connected to Jesus and an apostle and a prophet is part of something that has no Godly foundation.
Jesus, is building His Church, His Bride. He stated very clearly that He is building on a rock. That rock is that the Called-Out-Ones are not based on anything we can learn intellectually, by the power of flesh and blood. Rather, The Church, the Called-Out-Ones, are built upon direct personal revelation from God the Father. As Paul points out to the Corinthians, Spiritual things cannot be understood by the carnal mind. It is the Holy Spirit in us who reveals to us what is in our Father's heart for us.
The Kingdom of God does not depend on our intellectual understandings. It is not dependent on our ability to correctly parse detailed verses of scripture. Our spiritual lives are based in our ongoing day to day, moment by moment, direct communication with Papa God through the person of the Holy Spirit. Without that simple solid rock undergirding us we remain vulnerable to the winds and storms of life and we can never become truly stable.
Our enemy is continually working to distort this critical communication process. An important function of both the process of disciple making and the nature of true prophetic ministry is to help build in us confidence in this important communication link with Father.
His, thus Yours,
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