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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

So What is Really Important

A few years ago one of my daughters and I watched a movie together.  It was, as she calls it, a RomCom, that is a Romantic Comedy.  I have forgotten the title.  The plot involves a young woman who met a very nice young man while traveling.  As they were together the fellow asked her a question, "If you were in your apartment and the building fire alarm sounded, what would you pick up to take with you on your way out ?" Later in the plot she was in that exact situation.

This morning I face my last 24 hours before I leave for the airport expecting not to return home for at least 4 months.  My desk is piled high still with little tasks that are yet to be done.  Realistic thinking says it is not possible to complete them all.  So, when the alarm sounds tomorrow and I walk out the door, which should be completed and which should be left undone ?

Jesus talked of a wealthy farmer who was tearing down old barns and building new ones.  Jesus implied the man was foolish because he had not considered the possibility of his own death that night.

Your death, your home burning down, your departure on a long trip, even just your going to sleep tonight; these all involve making choices about what is really important to have done.

Some one of those many self help writers for business people published a little book I read years ago about the "Tyranny of the Urgent".  His point was, we often make very poor decisions when we allow the things that seem to be a crisis to move our focus away from the things that are important.  When I was a United States Coast Guard officer, I shared an office will a Lieutenant Commander who oft repeated a bit of wisdom, "When you are up to your hips in alligators, it is hard to remember the initial objective was to drain the swamp."

As you are reading and thinking about these things, I hope you are not afraid of some real crisis looming over you.  But, big crisis or no crisis the priorities you are following in your life are going to see some things done and some left undone.  So who is setting those priorities in your life ?  What are they based upon ?

For many people, sadly, their priorities are based upon their addictions.  For alcoholics - how can I get my next drink ?  For workaholics - how can I conquer my next project ?  For religionoholics - when can I get to my next meeting or watch my next on-line service ?  For many other people, sadly, their priorities are set by the people around them.  What will the next demand from my child require ?  What do the people at the office expect ?  How can I get my hair done, buy the right clothing, create the right appearance ?  For many people, sadly, their priorities all revolve around themselves.  What will make me: richer; more powerful; more beautiful; more comfortable; et cetera.

For a few people, and, alas, they are very few, their priorities are based on what God is saying to them.  Some priorities based on the eternal principles God has revealed.  (Love your enemies, for example.)  And some priorities based on the day by day, moment by moment, instructions the Lord speaks into ones life.  (Call your friend Juan; Stop and talk with that man; Wake up and pray for Susan; for example.).  

So, what are the most important things for you ?  What are your priorities based upon ?  It is a very worthwhile exercise from time to time to sit down and think through these things and talk them through with people you trust.

His, thus Yours,


Shannon Dee Bailey said...

Yup that's really wise advice :-)

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