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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pursued by Papa

Good Morning, I have had my coffee and some wonderful breakfast with Mariusz and Marek.  Mariusz is off for a morning swim and to meet up with a local leader.  Marek is out attending to some personal business matters and to pick up a few things we need from the store.  And I am here listening.  You may have noticed my Facebook occupation lists me as a professional listener.  An old friend often pointed out, "God gave us 2 ears and only one mouth.  We need to listen twice as much as we talk." In my view we also need to listen, first to hear God; because it is in what flows from His words that we receive true life.  We also need to truly listen to the people we are called to serve; because in their words we find the revelation of their hearts.  And, we need to listen to our enemies; they are a wonderful source of information about the ways in which we need to change so that people see God's love in us.
Holy Spirit has been talking this morning about how God relates to His people.  He has  been talking about the simple Truth that God has placed no value in men's buildings or organizations.  Indeed from His perspective both buildings and organizations often do more harm than good.  Here in Poland, for example, about 97% of the population is affiliated with the Roman Catholic organization. And yet fewer than 5% of the population would know Jesus if He walked up and hugged them.  The large organization creates for people an illusion of connection with "god"; however, there is no reality to the connection.  In every town in Poland one of the largest, most beautiful, and most elaborate buildings is one built by and for the Roman Catholic organization.  But God does not choose to dwell in any of them.  Virtually since Roman Catholicsm came to Poland the organization has been one of the most powerful political forces in the country.  It has so often taken positions that were contrary to the best interests of the country that its leaders were at times universally regarded as spies and enemies by the Polish people.  Whether led by the Pope, or Jimmy Falwell, or anyone else, organizations which begin to use their power and popularity to influence the political processes are not functioning as the Bride of Christ.  They are nothing more than political parties trying to use the reputation of God to achieve their own purposes.  
What does God think of ALL these clubs and organizations which call themselves the "church" ?  He looks at them, and the power brokers who run them, in much the same way He looked at the group that set out to build the Tower of Babel.  The big difference being He  does not need to come and confuse their languages again because they are already confused.  Spiritual things, as Paul wrote, are foolishness to the carnal minds of men.  God is not in the business of saving clubs.  None of the organizations, whether they call themselves "church" or not, are part of the Kingdom of God.  They are purely illusions and people who put their trust in any organization are simply deceived. 
Such organizations might teach about God.  They might teach behaviors that look Godly.  However, each and every person must come to God as an individual through the grace of God found only in personal relationship with Jesus.  I am reminded of a luncheon meeting I attended.  I had been invited to share with the group. After I finished speaking, I opened it up for people to ask questions. One older fellow sitting directly across the room from me asked the first question.
He asked: How do we keep in balance our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with other people?
I answered: Get rid of both of them!
I went on to explain that it is important that we stop worshiping a god who is up there and begin to worship the God of the universe who has chosen to take up residence within us.  If God lives within me, how can I have a vertical relationship with Him?  The old religious notion of a vertical relationship is sponsored by men who want to maintain a hierarchy within the church. For them it is important to create the illusion of one man being closer to God than another.  If I am higher, I am closer to the God who is up there. If I am lower, I am further from the God who is up there.  By maintaining this deception, men who desire power and authority are able to justify a hierarchy within the "church" because clearly this professional Christian is operating on a higher plane and closer to God than we ordinary laymen.
But, if we believe that the God of the universe has taken up residence within each and every individual believer; if we believe that it is the birthright of each believer to hear personally and directly from his Father God; then, we know each believer who has made Jesus Lord over his life will simply choose not to follow the man who speaks things which do not align with what God himself is speaking within the believers own heart.  It is so wonderful when a man comes to the place he will sit and look at a decision. And, as he looks you will hear him say, "I have heard from my brother ABC. I have heard from God XYZ. Which should I believe? I think GOD."
In the same manner we also must get rid of the idea of a horizontal relationship with people. When we think a horizontal relationship with people we automatically conclude all people are the same and we are going out all the way to the horizon dealing with all these people.  But that is simply not an accurate picture of what is presented as the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  If we look to Jesus as our role model then we see something quite different. Jesus was closer to John than he was to any of the other disciples. He was closer to Peter, James, and John than He was to the other nine disciples. He was closer to the 12 disciples then he was to the 72 or the 120 who were sent out.  He was closer to his disciples and those who actively followed Him than He was to the crowds and the masses of people.
What we are taught in the New Testament is that we are members of a Body. The members of any living body are connected to one another in joints. These joints work very smoothly in a healthy body. They are bonded strongly together by ligaments which hold the pieces in place. Through these joints flow the blood that brings life and the nerves that bring instructions from the head of the body.
As we look around the world we can see lots of living animals that are not part of our body. In the same way the body of Christ can look out at the world and see that there are many people who are not part of the Body of Christ.
Within the living body we can see that each member has a different and distinct function from each other member. We stand and run depending upon our feet and legs. We use a knife and fork to eat depending upon our arms and hands. Hands are much more closely connected to arms. Feet are much more closely connected to legs.
Thus, we can see, it is intended in the body of Christ, each member should be much more closely connected with a very small number of members to which he/she is joined. Moreover, we can see while the body of Christ is aware of people out in the world, not part of the body, no member of the body is connected to anyone out in the world in the same way that he is connected to all of the members of the Body of Christ.  We might find our connected relationships among people in our organization.  We might also just as readily find the connection outside our club.  Indeed we might find connections with people who do not belong to any club.  It is not that there is anything wrong with clubs.  Rather it is that the clubs are irrelevant.  They simply make no difference in our relationships.  If we allow them to influence our relationships with Jesus or with other people we become deceived.
It is important that we grasp these concepts.  As we have previously discussed, the Holy Spirit is currently insisting that the Body of Christ make a transition.  That transition abandons a hierarchical structure.  It requires us to learn to function in connected relationships.  It is time for us to learn to live and model this Scriptural structure of the Body of Christ.  
    • We are “…the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” Ephesians 4:16.  
His, thus Yours,


Carl J. Fielstra, J.D. said...

I believe the growing oppression the organized "church" encounters abroad, and is facing in the States will sift cultures, separating out the true Church.

Clubs, as you rightly call them, will either blend into irrelevance as chaff or release the wheat within its memberships. Remaining in organizational form with the seeming benefits derived from organization, e.g., tax exemption, beautiful structures, political clout, will be required for the benefits to continue. However, true followers of our King will not be concerned with seeming benefits, but instead desire that which moths and rust cannot destroy, In other words, the Church you describe (and I too recognize as authentic) may now be emerging. Followers of Jesus will be compelled to identify with and move about among others of like devotion, avoiding anything deeper than nominal club affiliation. Home groups, particularly within club churches, are an early indicator of the future.

Regardless of the precise form (and there may be no one size fits all model), we can be absolutely certain there will be a bride for Jesus to call to Himself when Father God says it is the right time.

Relational faith with Jesus in our midst, transcending all life activities (e.g., home, work, social) is beginning to appear.

Beware, but also rejoice!

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