Good Morning, I was writing a personal message to a very close friend this morning. After I had written it I realized that most of its contents were the same things I want to share with you today. So I have copied the edited version of it here for you.
Over Szczecin the blue sky is crowded with wonderful white puffs of cotton ball clouds. We arrived last night a bit after 10:00. Our friend Marchin came in his large white step van to pick us up at the depot. Needless to say we had plenty of room for our luggage. Especially this was true because Marek left us at the depot to take a tram to his parents home here in town. He will stay with them. Mariusz and I came back to the flat with Marchin to greet Monica and their daughter Marcella (about 14 I think). We all stood about and chatted for a while then Marchin and family departed to go to their other home in Germany (about an hour away I think). Mariusz and I unwound with glasses of wine and finally about midnight I went to bed leaving Mariusz to himself.
This morning we each awoke well rested and started our day with the Lord's new mercies and a couple of cups of coffee. As we talked and prayed over the city we each were very aware that this visit will be unlike our previous ones in Szczecin. But, neither of us has any great clarity about what that will mean in terms of the practical events. On some gut level I get the impression we will be spending very little time with the people who consume time but are not really willing to grow or change. As my friend Rob might say, "Won't that be fun !"
Your love and prayers for us are very important and special to us. We thank each of you for the blessings you have spoken over us and over this trip.
His, thus Yours,
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