Perhaps the largest known potential volcano is located in the famous Yellowstone National Park, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. The most visible indicators of this lurking potential explosion are the famous geysers which periodically spray steam, hot water, and sulfurous gases up out of the ground. From time to time the news is filled with stories of other volcanic activity in various places around the world. A volcano occurs when the building up of pressure under the surface of the Earth becomes greater than the strength of the surface of the Earth to hold back that pressure. Most frequently these volcanos occur along the edges of the Earth's tectonic plates. Geologists and seismologists tell us that mountain ranges have been formed when these tectonic plates collide and the edges of the plates are pushed up or down or one on top the other. In some places they tell us that one tectonic plate is moving along the edge of another plate and the friction or snagging between the edges causes earthquakes. The amount of energy involved in these volcanos, and earthquakes, and shifting tectonic plates with resulting tsunamis, is enormous. They far exceed the power of nuclear weapons and hurricanes and tornados. And yet in our normal day to day living we really do not pay much attention to these forces until a disasterous event occurs.
Take note ! The Book teaches us that the things which are visible are all made from the things which are invisible. The patterns made visible to us in nature around us are there as indicators of what is also happening in the invisible spiritual universe in which we live. Why are we so continually surprised and upset by inter-racial violence, by Islamic jihads, by violent rebellions and over throwing of governments. These are simply the symptoms of the moving about of the spiritual tectonic plates.
We are not mere human beings having spiritual experiences. We are spiritual beings enduring human experiences.
Let us all lift our heads out of the sand and look at what is happening around us.
His, thus Yours,
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