Sto Lat -- Happy Birthday Marek from Mariusz and Stuart. You are such a valuable part of the Kingdom and the team.
Today our friends Marchin and Monika, along with their daughter Marcella, will pick us up and we will drive about 2 hours northeast to a town near the Baltic Sea coast. There we will visit with a lovely family. It will be a fascinating adventure. We plan to come back to Szczecin for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Mariusz and I have both heard Holy Spirit say that we are to return to Budapest in early August. Other than that our plans remain vague and unknown to us until August 18 when I will fly to Lomé, Togo in West Africa. This becoming comfortable in the midst of uncertainty is actually a bit of fun when you get accustomed to it.
A special greeting to our friends in Russia who have once again begun reading this Blog. During the past few days we went from having no Russian readers to having more Russian readers than any other country outside my home country. Years ago several Russian readers were with me but when I stopped writing they seemed to lose contact. This week they are back and the brought friends with them.
That reminds me. While most of the readers come to the Blog through Facebook and thus already have a way to send me a message, some do not. So for everyone, if you want to contact me I will put my contact information below. I will note that I am not fluent in any language other than American English. I do have trusted friends who can translate French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, or Afrikans. Although the translations are notoriously bad, I also have access to computer based translation programs. So while I strongly prefer English, I will find a way to understand you in other languages.
Here is a simple set of Truth concepts:Stuart B. Mitchell9764 Summer Park CourtColumbia, Maryland 21046USAMobile for voice or text: +1 541 337 0850Skype ID: stuart.b.mitchell1 (Notice 2 periods and the digit 1)Email: Stuart@His-Family.comThe web site is being reconstructed I will tell you about it when it is ready.
One of the most effective ways to build personal relationships is through humble service.
All of our service that brings about significant spiritual change in the lives of others must cross a bridge of personal relationship.
His, thus Yours,
Oh, one more thing, some of you have wanted to share a blog entry with your Facebook friends. You are, of course, welcome to share them with anyone at any time. The easy way to do that is to simple touch on that Facebook symbol down at the bottom. It will automatically create the link for you. SBM
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