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Thursday, July 14, 2016

July 14 -- Puzzled -- Leaving Vienna to Prague

Good Morning, It is 8:00am in Vienna and we three are sitting on our bus from Vienna, Austria to Prague, Czech Republic.  

We have spent only a short time in Vienna.  We know we were sent here.  But, we do not know yet why.  One day perhaps Papa will tell us.  

We were delighted to bless the server in our restaurant at lunch yesterday.  But that does not seem like a reason Father would send the whole team to Vienna, does it ?  Yet, it might be.  Each of the team members was blessed and encouraged by the others. But that does not seem like a reason Father would send the whole team to Vienna, does it ?  Yet, it might be.  The truth is that His ways are much higher than our ways and we simply cannot understand the why of all that He has us do.

This is a very very important principle for the Bride of Christ to understand during the upcoming seasons of turmoil in the World.

I received an email from a close friend.  He had gotten a long email published by a religious leader in the USA.  That long email was an essay about the church organization members needing to repent because of the terrible racial unrest being stirred up by agitators in the USA.  My friend was forwarding it and calling his friends to repent.  I replied asking exactly what he was proposing to repent from or to.  You see in times of turmoil the deceiver is skilled at making believers feel a generalized guilt and angst about the situation.  But God does not motivate His children by guilt and fear.  Those are the tools of satan.  Family let us avoid making the situation in our country even more dangerous by falling victim to the enemy's deceptions.  Do not let the flesh of men lead you to actions or attitudes.  Follow Holy Spirit.

His, thus Yours,


Unknown said...

I strongly agree with you Stuart. Bob always taught on this... I was once a prey to such incidence which stirred up much guilt in my life feeling like i haven't done much to please Father.... It always occurred to my face that I haven't done much simply because, I was listening to messages that brought severe fear in my life about God... Something like, He will disconnect Himself far far away from me and I'll need to work extra harder building a relationship with Him all over again... But I'm greaful to God having you in my life as well as other believers I'm learning much from as well as allowing the Spirit to direct me... Your blogs are so fascinating and filled with the Spirit. I love you Stuart.

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