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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11 -- Worship -- Mississauga, Canada

There is such a wonderful blessing being in a home that has a coffee dispenser.  It makes that first sip so simple and peaceful !  I have had lots of coffee this morning after a great night of sleep.  I am well on my way to having adjusted to the time zone change.  Crystal and Graeme and their three handsome young men are treating me like we are all part of the same royal family.  It is an awesome way to live.

This morning as Crystal and I were chatting she talked about teaching children about worship.  So, I began to ponder the idea of worship and to do a bit of research.  I discovered something very interesting.

In the Old Testament the primary word used for worship is a Hebrew word meaning to bow down.  It is in essence a word that speaks of humbling ourselves before the creator God of the universe.

In the New Testament, Jesus talks about the nature of the worship which Father God desires.  He uses a word that is a Greek word that means approaching God to give Him a kiss.  It is a word that expresses God's desire for intimacy with us.

His, thus Yours,


Silke Groves said...

That is so much how I feel about worship. Many times the church thinks worship is singing songs and praying, yet there is so much more to it. One of the things that has always made my mind heavy is, when I sit or stand in church and everybody enjoys singing. However, all the songs are songs ABOUT Jesus or about GOD the Father, but not one of them actually speaks directly to our Dad, who wants us to come and be with Him. I tend to keep changing pronouns from "He" to "you". I just pray that we His Bride will seek to look at Him directly rather than talk with others about him.

Unknown said...

This past Sunday God gave me a great gift during worship at LifeHouse. My youngest son came and and gave me a hug. I sat down on the floor with him and he put his head on my lap and just laid there until the songs ended. Was a real life picture of the child like intimacy God desires with us.

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