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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Want to Know You

Pause a moment and think about your contacts list. Whether you keep it on Facebook or your phone or an old fashion rolodex, there will be people on the list you know very very well and there will be people whom you only know in one narrow context. If you are young there is probably someone on your list that you have had no contact with except for having a date once. If you are older, you might have someone whom you have known only as the person who mows your lawn or fixes your car.

Imagine for a moment that you were forced to pick out someone today from your contacts list that you would be required to share your home with, work with and vacation with continuously for the next 20 years. If you are rational, you would almost immediately eliminate all those people with whom your relationship is only in one context. You would drop all the ones who you only know from doing business, or you only know from seeing them at church meetings, or you only know from playing softball together.

You would want someone you know-- finances; temper; sexual orientation; criminal record; favorite foods and vacation spots and television shows; and so on.

I sometimes wonder why we do not expect Jesus to be as smart as we are. If you or I would want to know all these aspects about a prospect for a long term relationship, why do we expect Jesus to want an eternal Bride whom He only sees her relationship with Him in once a week meetings.

When He says to the people who have prophesied and healed the sick and cast out demons, "Depart from me." He says it is because He never knew them.

You know a bit about Jesus. But do you really know Him? Have you given Him the opportunity to really know you? Do you know how He feels about cleaning the bathroom? Have you ever invited Him to be with you while you clean yours? Have you invited Him into the most intimate and difficult parts of your life? Have you invited Him to be with you during your favorite times and greatest moments? Have you really gotten to know what Jesus thinks is fun to do with you?

He does not merely love you. He wants to know you and like you.

His, thus Yours,



Jamie Jo said...

I had to laugh at wondering how Jesus feels about cleaning the bathroom. As i just finished scrubbing one of ours, a challenge at 9 months pregnant. I have never considered how He might feel about it. I can honestly say tho, there have been many times ive felt His presence in the task.

LarryD said...

Hey, Stuart,

I enjoy your blog and I have started my own as a result of reading yours. You encouraged me by the simplicity and honesty of your posts.

Thanks, Oh and Jesus says thanks too.....


Shannon Dee Bailey said...

No I can't say that I have ever invited Jesus to be with me when cleaning the bathroom. That is just a little creepy Stu. Dear Jesus come with me as I clean the bathroom :-) ummm...don't think I would ever do that. I figure I don't want to be in the bathroom why would I invite the God of the universe to be miserable right along side me :-) But I can appreciate the point and thankfully I know him well and he knows me really well :-) Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. It's always good to read your posts.

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