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Friday, September 24, 2010

Need a Little Motivation

We often have false expectations of Father God.  Many of us were trained as children to think of Him like a wise but very stern King sitting on His throne.  One who dispenses severe punishment for our every wrong and tells us we were only doing what was expected of us when we do something great.  But mostly one who is distant and not really paying much attention unless we really pray diligently.

All these expectations leave us feeling vaguely guilty of we are not sure what and fearful of how He is going to discipline us next.  Indeed, most of us have been told that every great sermon points out more clearly the things we should be doing and leaves us feeling more guilty and more fearful of failure because we are convinced that we can never really measure up.

But, the Book teaches us that God is love and perfect love casts out all fear.  So the Father NEVER motivates His adopted children with fear.

And, the Book teaches us that there is no condemnation for us in Christ Jesus.  So Father NEVER motivates His adopted children with guilt.

And, the Book teaches us that God is steady and reliable and will never ever leave us.  So Father NEVER treats His adopted children with benign neglect ignoring them.  Indeed He has chosen to have His Spirit take up residence within us gently prompting and cueing us moment by moment through every day of our lives in Him.

So then how are Father's adopted children motivated ?

Father loves us.  Yes, He loves each of us individually and personally.  And He loves all of us corporately.  He absolutely loves us.

Because He first loves us, we begin to love.  Some of us seem to take a very long time getting our heads out of our self-centeredness that the world taught us.  But, we will drink in His unfailing, unflinching, steady, continuous LOVE for us.  Then we will begin to love.  The more deeply we drink in His love, the more we love.

As we begin to recognize that in His love for us Father provided for our total and complete forgiveness by allowing Jesus to pay the penalty for every bit of our sin, -- Yes all of it; past, present, and future sins. Then we begin to love more and more because He who has been forgiven much loves much.  And, Jesus, the one who died in our place, becomes a special focal point for our love.

Jesus teaches us that the result of loving Him is that we do the things He wants us to do.  Do not confuse that.  What we do is never the measure of how much we love.  Rather, the transition of what we are doing from self-centered to God centered is the result of our loving Him.  The more we drink in Father's love the more we are empowered to love Jesus and the more we are transformed by our relationship with Him.

So when you, like all the rest of us, find that you are not doing all the things you would like to do for Jesus, do not make the mistake of focussing on your behavior.  Get your focus off yourself and your false feelings of guilt.  Turn instead to focus on how much Father has forgiven you and how deeply He loves you.  Drink deeply of His love.  Revel and wallow in His love.  Snuggle up to Papa and let Him love you even more.  Feel Father's enjoyment of you, His delight in you, and His approval of you. 

Yes, He actually likes you.


laura carrion said...

Well i guess i followed your instructions well. I´ve been a christian for over 14 years and have been struggling with depression and anxiety that come and go. I just had to change residence and The Lord made me see i don´t know him, i don´t know his Love. I felt guilt, fear mostly, and felt so, so lonely even if there were people around. Just yesterday through intenet my sister told me about the love of God. She said, we don´t know the basics of christianity that is why we are so weak. So all day long i recited THE LOVE OF GOD CASTS OUT ALL FEARS, and i can tell you it was the first time in many months i didn´t feel alone, and felt even hungry and ate some tacos for you know i am mexican =). The Lord keeps on talking to me through you Stuart, whatever you wrote today is an confirmation of what happened to me yesterday. I will try not to run away from his love anymore, for that is what i´ve been doing all my life without knowing it, i thought i was following him but i doubted of his love and searched for it in my mother, sister, dad, brother, husband, and never found it. Thank God for this blog. Yesterday i was invited over to a home (which was a miracle for i know nobody around here, i´m new) and the first thing that got my atention when i entered the house was a picture quoting God is love (1 John 4) And today He keeps on confirming it. Not many weeks ago i posted in facebook: THE KING CONTINUES TO PERSUE ME WITH HIS LOVE.. and you responded...STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM! That was also prophetic Stu.
Love U, and hope to see you again soon.

Stuart said...

Laura, loved one of God, we have an american saying, "Repetition is the mother of learning." It looks like Father is teaching you something that He wants you to learn. I am always in awe of His humility. He has every right to expect us to pay attention and heed Him the very first time He speaks. But, He is willing to humble Himself for us and repeat things over and over until we can absorb them and adjust to the newness of His revealed Truth. Father is patient with you. You be patient with you, too.

Mike said...

A simple little song, sung when you're alone and in doubt, brings truth to your spirit. "Jesus Loves Me" is full of hope, truth, and the Love of God. Try singing it to yourself and be open to the Holy Spirit within you. Be ready for something "new" to happen within your spirit.

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