Good Evening, it is about 8:00 PM in Poland. It has been a chilly, rainy, fall day here. Yesterday we spent a major part of the day dealing with laundry, turning in the rental car, and other such administrivia. But in the middle of that we found 2 hours to share vision with a young man who will bring change to the lives of many as he moves into the fullness of the spiritual Bride of Christ. Today we left before breakfast to go to Sweet Life, my favorite coffee shop, for breakfast. We were joined there by a lovely couple we met a few years ago in Szczecin. I had spoken with them then about the prophetic call of God on her life. Today she was talking about all the ways that Holy Spirit had confirmed that Word in her life. And then she wanted to ask questions about the practical aspects of how that works. We talked for hours about her prophetic calling and his calling to serve the Bride as an apostole. While this conversation was unfolding Mariusz excused himself to go and meet with another woman who needed to talk. He was able to help her deal with many painful issues. After such an amazing and fruit filled time, we got back together and went to have a quiet celebratory dinner.
As we chatted over dinner I found myself time after time circling back to the same thought. The beautiful Bride of Christ has been wooed and deceived by the spirit of the imposter. She has accepted and walked with the idols of power, popularity, and pop-psychology. She has traded her birthright of life in the eternal realm continually hearing the voice of Her Beloved Bridegroom for the popularity of political correctness and the pouring of money into the coffers of the religious clubs who claim Her place as the Body of Christ in the Earth. However, Holy Spirit kept repeating His assurance. The Bride is spiritual and she cannot be seen or understood by the carnal mind of man. She becomes visible only as we allow Jesus to heal our blindness and stop seeing Her from our human perspective. It is time for the Saints to look for the Bride from the perspective of Jesus, Her Bridegroom, in whom the fullness of God is pleased to dwell.
His, thus Yours,
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