As I have been continuing to process the Scriptures and revelations Holy Spirit has been speaking about over the past several days, one more thought occurs to me. I want us to focus again on this passage:
Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ . . . II Corinthians 5: 16 -18. (NASB)
The human wisdom and human understanding that Paul seeks to avoid in his first letter to the Corinthians would tell us to continually examine and adjust to the culture of the people we serve. Indeed, men have done this so well that we divide up our church clubs according to the demographic groups they serve. Young unmarried, elderly, young families, African Americans, Polish Americans, Fundamentalists, Liberals, Africans, Hispanics, Slavic people, intellectuals, emotional people, and on and on we virtually never run out of demographic distinctions by which to divide up our clubs. We create groupings so that everyone can be with like-minded people. However, none of our distinctions have any scriptural basis. Indeed the scriptures cry out for us to walk in unity as the one true Bride of Christ.
God has sovereignly ordained that we should no longer recognize anyone on the basis of our natural perceptions. We are instructed to not see Jesus this way and to not see any child of God this way. How then should we see one another ? We are to see each other and Jesus as the sons of God. Even when other people want to have the advantages that come from our seeing them according the flesh, God says NO. The old things have passed away and if he / she is in Christ then he / she is a completely new creature. In Christ there are neither Jews nor Greeks; there are neither blacks nor whites; there are no orientals or westerners; there are no nationalities. We are all new creatures joined together in one completely new Body growing up into the full stature of the manhood of Jesus, the Anointed One.
The Bride of Chtrist is not a multicultural person. She has only one culture. That is the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Please, I beg of you, stop hacking the betrothed Bride of Jesus into pieces by the false distinctions of race or culture or economic status or denomination or doctrine. Let us return to the Truth. We have either been baptized into the one Body of Christ by Holy Spirit or we are not part of the true Church at all.
His, thus Yours,
Great post Stuart.
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