Good Morning, I went down for breakfast this morning thinking I would share a cup of coffee with you. Alas, breakfast came and went and the time was all consumed in responding to various communications from other people. So, back up to the room I went. There I packed everything ready for our departure this afternoon enroute to Kraków, Poland. As always, subject to change, I think I will spend my last week in Europe in that area. Just one week from tomorrow I fly to Africa. Somehow, I have the idea that the Africa time may be just as unpredictable as the Europe time has been.
I am sitting in a sidewalk cafe on Calvin Square. This is the core of a lovely area of restaurants and the like in the heart of Budapest. The area is clean and pleasant. The pedestrian traffic is non-stop. It is a lovely spot for people watching and for listening to Holy Spirit about what is in Papa God's heart. Earlier, just as I returned from breakfast, I was sharing with Mariusz my sense that Holy Spirit was very strongly emphasizing what I shared with you yesterday about the importance of each of us believing what Jesus is saying about our identity and our purposes. As I was sharing that, Holy Spirit began speaking to me about His vision for the Bride of Christ. That revelation has already started changing me. It is not mature enough in me yet for me to even begin to share it with you. But, I know I am on the edge of something dynamic. I will be trying to stay tuned for the follow on revelations and explanations. I hope you know me well enough by now to know that when it is ripe I will be happy to share with you.
But, this brings me to a very specific concern that I do want to share with you. I have been growing in my awareness that this blog is largely a one way communication system. Oh, I know some of you comment to say "Oh wow!" or "That is powerful." or "I agree." but, you almost never actually offer anything substantial that you yourself have heard from Holy Spirit. I know that you hear God. I crave the opportunity to hear from you about the things God is speaking to you. Comments on the blog; or, FaceBook comments; or FaceBook private messages; or emails; it does not matter to me how you communicate but I actually value you and your input. When we come together, even electronically, each one brings something from Holy Spirit to share with the rest of us. Remember my FaceBook page bills me as a professional listener. I am listening to hear you and to hear God speak through you.
As we travel, I think of you often. Sometimes it is because I come upon a striking beautiful scene that I wish you could be standing beside me to drink in the beauty. Frequently, it is when I take that first taste of a wonderfully prepared meal and I wish you were here to share the taste. Other times it is to face a difficult moment and I wish you could be sitting with me to intercede in prayer. But, more often than any of those are the countless moments when I know one of you has the very specific anointing to serve the person sitting in front of me. But, alas you are not here. I encourage each of you to keep your travel documents and immunization shots up to date. Be ready and expectant for Holy Spirit to send you to meet the needs of people around the world. Do not think of this as "ministry". Do not expect recognition for what you will do or what power lies within you. Rather think in terms of traveling to visit with your friends and touching their lives with the life of Jesus that dwells in you and flows forth as a spring of living water.
His, thus Yours,
I miss you! I think of you every day, without fail as the coffee pot brews. Papa has graciously allowed me to have a little coffee in the mornings, without it bothering the wee one dependent on me for his meals.
Papa has been quite busy in our family in the past week since we spoke last. I am encouraged.
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