Good Morning ! It is a beautiful Sunday morning in Budapest. The sky is blue; the sun is shining brightly. It is pleasantly cool this morning but will probably become quite warm, perhaps even hot, this afternoon. We will leave just after breakfast to go across the city to an English language worship service. From that point on our day is an unknown. Praise God yesterday was restful.
I have been communicating electronically with friends scattered around the world and across the USA. I have listened to all sorts of problems being described. But, I have been reminded several times during the last 48 hours of a simple practical Truth. We are part of a Kingdom which can NOT be shaken. When I choose to allow my emotions to be deceived and get upset and shaken by events, it is simply because I have forgotten the nature of our King and our Kingdom.
The time has come family for us to stop shaking. Stop shaking in our boots in fear of the deceptions of the enemy. Stop allowing our emotional state to be shaken and shattered because we believe lies. Stop running to drugs and alcohol as a place to hide from the deceiver. Cling to the unshakeable Truth of Father's steadfast unconditional love.
We are the loved ones. Take back your peace and let anything and everything around you shake if it is shakeable. We are part of the unshakeable Kingdom.
His, thus Yours,
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