Yesterday was a relatively relaxing day. I spent time here with you. I did my laundry. I had a relaxing walk on a farm with my friends enjoying the beauty of God's creation and his creatures.
I also had opportunity to chat with each of the primary leaders of one local group of believers. Each of them asked me the same questions. How do I see the group ? What should they be pursuing next ? It was truly a delight. In each case after I had answered, the response was their concurrence that what I was saying was also what Holy Spirit was speaking to them.
I leave Toronto today with great confidence in the work of the Spirit among the saints here.
I will be flying to Geneva tonight, changing time zones by 5 hours. So sleep will be disrupted and my schedule will be unpredictable for the next 2 days. So if I do not show up to chat with you for a couple days do not worry. I look forward to being with you again soon.
His, thus Yours,
Safe travels tonight, Stuart.
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