Good Morning, I have had a cappuccino. I have about another hour before the flight will board so I am going to indulge in a bit of breakfast as we chat. I have chosen the eggs with Tuscan sausage. You have whatever suits you. If this restaurant will sell it to you, I will buy.
I suppose that you also have noticed that people who quote the scriptures to prove some point or another usually quote just one verse or even part of a verse. For them, that settles the matter. 'The Bible says' settles the matter. As for me, I often find the far more valuable lessons of the Scriptures are found not by quoting a few pithy words. Rather these lessons are found by stepping back and taking a broader view. For example, take a few minutes and ask yourself (and Holy Spirit, your comforter): "How did Jesus feel when the whole audience, at His largest speaking engagement ever, got up and walk out ?"
Today, I am feeling particularly empathetic to our brother Paul. You probably remember the story. Paul was all excited about carrying the good news to a spot where he had some friends. But, Holy Spirit said no, do not go there. So it is with Mariusz and I this morning. We were all excited about going to share with our friends in Brussels, Belgium. Alas, yesterday Holy Spirit made it clear to us that we are not to go to Brussels at this time. Instead, we are going direct to Kraków.
I said, "Alas ... ". But, really I feel no regrets about the result only a sense of loss at being unable to help the Bride in Brussels. But I am filled with joy and anticipation for the delights of being with the saints in Kraków.
How is Holy Spirit changing your plans today? I know you are quite competent to plan your way. But the steps of the righteous are being rearranged to a perfect order by the Lord.
His, thus Yours,
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