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Saturday, June 11, 2016

June 11 -- Frustration -- Near Geneva

Have you ever been sitting down with someone you love and known there is something you should say to him or her but you just cannot find the words to say it ?  And it seems the more you think about what you are supposed to say the more your thoughts get muddled.  Then you realize time is running out and if you do not say something you will have missed your opportunity.  So you want to say something but you just cannot find the right thing to say.

That is the way I have been feeling this morning.  So I distracted myself with writing messages on FaceBook, getting more coffee, eating a croissant, et cetera.  I was about to give up writing anything to you. Then I realized that this is exactly what Holy Spirit wants me to write about.  

Many times I have watched people trying to lovingly serve someone get frustrated because they simply could not find the right words to say what they meant to say.  Like me they often stall for time by saying and doing other things.  But, when we wait for the Lord something is renewed in us.  When, like Jesus, we will not say anything until we have heard the Father speak, then we can speak words that give Spirit and Life. 

The Gospel of John opens with a fascinating concept.  "In the beginning was the Word."  Jesus is the Word.  Like Him we are also sent to be the Word become flesh to dwell among our friends and neighbors.  

When you find yourself frustrated, stop.  Relax and get your peace back.  Then just listen to what Holy Spirit is saying.  If He is saying nothing then He does not need you to say anything.  You simply say what He is saying.

His, thus Yours,


Shannon Dee Bailey said...

amen to that. "listen to what Holy Spirit is saying. If He is saying nothing then He does not need you to say anything". :-)

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