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Monday, June 6, 2016

Happy D-Day

Good morning and happy D-Day to you.  Only a small portion of our population remembers World War II.  But it is historically significant because it is the last major war to have been fought on the Earth to conquer evil instead of to compromise with evil.  Since the formation of the United Nations, the prevailing view has been that we should never actually pursue total victory.  God's battle plan, however, is always a plan for total victory.

Throughout the Church there is a pernicious and pervasive willingness to accept and endorse personal compromise in lieu of total victory.  As can be seen from the political world's experience in Korea, Bosnia, and the Middle East; compromise with evil is simply a path to many more problems lasting for a very very long time.

There are some in the church world who think they are committed to an uncompromised victory.  Sadly most of these are committed to total victory in the wrong battle.  Many are looking for total victory for their organization.  Many are looking for total victory over socially unacceptable behaviors.  But rare indeed are the men and women totally committed to the pursuit of an intimate love relationship with Jesus.

His, thus Yours,


Dr Kenneth Wingrove, DC said...

Well said. Love and miss you. Continue to pray for you.

His Revealed Insight said...

An intimate relationship with Daddy leads one to better know Him, and thus themselves as we are His reflection here on earth. Knowing who we are in Christ opens so much to the Body of Christ corporately and individually. Stay the course and share God's wisdom and love. In His Service, Mike

Carl J. Fielstra, J.D. said...

Well said.

Victory in Jesus.

He is most capable of working out the details.

Grace said...

I really love this and have been thinking about it. How often we get caught up on "moving on" too quickly that we don't totally make sure that whatever the issue Papa is working on In us, has been erriadicated.

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