The son has spent a few years out trying various jobs and traveling around. He was intensely dissatisfied with each of the jobs he tried. At his 17th job he was chatting with his team leader about all these terrible jobs. He listed all the jobs and explained how he found them all dissatisfying.
After listening his team leader responded, "John, I see a pattern here that might help you find a more satisfying job."
The son asked, "Really, what is it?"
"All those jobs had just one thing in common -- YOU ! "
In Deuteronomy chapter 7, God sets forth His battle plan for us so that we can conquer and take possession of our Promised Land. But most of us fail to recognize our Promised Land for what it really is. Your Promised Land is YOU !
An old American comic strip character, Pogo, said it well, "We have met the enemy and they are us."
As most of you know I have been getting feedback about how you will best receive information about my upcoming trip. The results of my "survey" are that you are about evenly split between Facebook, Emails, Blogs and various blends of these.
So, I am going to try to use multiple media. We will see how it goes. Your feedback as we go along is always treasured.
His, thus Yours,
I look forward to your posts
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