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Friday, May 27, 2016

The Luxury of Being Father's Loved One

Good morning, I am sitting at the dining table surrounded by things I am sorting to take with me when I travel next week.  My second cup of coffee is just beside this keyboard.  I am hoping you are in a place where you can relax and have a drink with me.  I would enjoy sitting across your kitchen table from you when you have time to chat.  There are really only two things I dislike about communicating with you by blogging.  One is my typing is slow.  The other, the big one, is I cannot see your face or hear your comments in response as I am talking with you.

This week I have been trying to go to bed a bit early and wake up early so that my body is adjusting to the European time zones.  But, this morning my body simply did not want to awaken.  I did drag myself out long enough to fix breakfast for the household (my usual practice when not traveling).  But, within minutes after Lauralea left for the track, I was headed back to bed.  Ah that sleep was wonderful.  In my old life I would have been feeling frustrated and guilty.  There is so much to do:  Preparation for my trip;  Laundry to do;  Clean up the kitchen;  Get ready for guests tonight; and on and on the list goes.

Papa God has changed all that.  One of the very nice luxuries of having Papa God as my immediate supervisor is His joy in my being so completely free.  Papa knows and has finally convinced me:  
Everything that needs to be done was already completed by the second chapter of Genesis.  
When I choose to believe this, I am set free from anxiety and guilt concerning my own performance.  Does this get the kitchen clean ?  Does it get the checklist cleared ?  Not directly.  But it does two other things directly.  One, it greatly improves the quality of life for me and the people around me.  Two, it changes me so that when I am doing things I am working at my maximum efficiency.  

Moreover, when I choose to walk along through life as a companion of Holy Spirit, then the Spirit within me guides me.  This is when, as Ephesians 2 points out, I can walk in the good works which Father God accomplished ahead of time.  The ahead of time being before Genesis 2 when He entered His rest.  That is the same rest the writer of Hebrews urges us to be diligent to enter also.   There remains the long list of things my emotions have been screaming for me to do.  The glorious Truth is those not accomplish ahead by Father are better left undone.

So, relax !  Walk according to Holy Spirit and you will accomplish amazing even miraculous things while you are at rest.

His, thus Yours,




Shannon Dee Bailey said...

Always enjoy reading your blogs :-)

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