So far as I can tell neither Holy Spirit nor I work well with short answer questions. But we both would like to be supportive in your efforts to find your roles and functions in the Bride of Christ.
Initially as you pursue this search, please note God's promise to us through Noah. There will always be spring time and harvest. By implication then there will also be the seasons when the crops are growing and there is not as much to do and seasons when the ground lies fallow and there is nothing to do but rest. Thus, summers for going to the beach and on picnics, and winters when we snuggle with loved ones and study are just as real as the busy seasons of sowing crops and reaping harvests. Notice, however, that the spiritual seasons of our lives, unlike the agrarian seasons of the farm, are not necessarily three months evenly spaced through one calendar year. Jesus, for example, went through about 30 years of preparation for only about 2 years of spring time planting and only a few months of harvesting.
Notice also all sons of God are first people. All are called to live in the world even though they are no longer of the world. Thus, we all have multiple roles and functions in our lives. If we do not work we are not entitled to eat. If we neglect our spouses or our children we are not following the principles of the Kingdom. So, a man may be anointed as an apostle, nevertheless if he marries and fathers children there will be a long season in his life when his primary roles will be to provide for his household, love and protect his wife, and disciple his children. A woman who marries has a long season of her life primarily devoted to honoring her husband, bearing children and rearing them in the nurture of God. As a matter of God's grace all of these activities, which get very little recognition from the world, also serve as the tools Father God uses to mature us and prepare us for the later seasons of our lives when we lay down our lives for the Bride of Christ. It is crucially important that we do not seek to skip the training periods.
His, thus Yours,
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