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Friday, August 2, 2013

Disciples ?

In the 4th chapter of Ephesians we’re told that the Lord has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. He’s given us these gifts to equip the saints, but so often have I heard it said that we have these apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to bring the body of Christ to maturity and to the full stature of the manhood of Christ. On many occasions, I’ve heard people say that this is the function of those in the fivefold ministry.

When you read Ephesians 4 carefully, you realize that it is the saints that do the work to bring the body of Christ to maturity. It’s not when the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers do the work, but when the saints do the work that we will all come to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

You see, if there are 100 of us in an assembly of believers and we have one apostle and one prophet and one pastor and one teacher and one evangelist among us, they should do 5 % of the work of the ministry. The rest of us should do the other 95% of the work of the ministry. But where have we been in the historic institutional church? If you ask somebody to name the minister in your congregation, you typically get the name of the person who stands up front.

So welcome to the real world of the Kingdom of God. Every one of us is a minister. A disciple, when completed, should be a saint who is basically equipped to do the work of the ministry. He’s someone who is able to be a disciple maker as well as a disciple. That is the work of the ministry.

The great commission is not about making converts...it’s about making disciples. 

When we talk about equipping the saints, with what are they to be equipped? There are some essential ingredients in the life or character of a disciple, which basically equip him for the work of the ministry. As you begin to understand what they are, you will understand your own role in equipping and being equipped for the work of the ministry because every man of God needs to see himself as continuously living on both sides of the equation. You need to be constantly receiving further equipping in your life and you need to be one who is discipling others and equipping them as well. Here is a list of basic starting equipment. It is certainly not exhaustive. But, it will give any saint a good start if these tools are in hand as he begins to undertake the work of serving others to make disciples.

I am basically equipped for the work of the ministry if:

  1. 1)  Jesus is actually Lord over my life.

    Who has the authority to make the ultimate decisions in your life? - Romans 10:9-10

  2. 2)  I am filled with the Holy Spirit, receiving:

    1. A)  The Character of Christ; - Galatians 5:22-23

    2. B)  The Power of the Spirit; - I Corinthians 12:8-9

    3. C)  The Revelation of God - I Corinthians 2:10-16

  3. 3)  I openly receive God's love. -- I John 4 7-21 and Matthew 10:8

  4. 4)  I freely forgive others. - Matthew 6:12; Matthew 18:23-33

  5. 5)  I release others from judgment. - Matthew 7:1-2

  6. 6)  I am free from the iniquities of generations and interpersonal bondage. -- Galatians 6:7-8 and Exodus 20:5-6

  7. 7)  I remain free from demons. -- Matthew 8:16

  8. 8)  I am established as a disciple in a relationship, which provides an example, love and

    accountability. - Matthew 20:25-28; Hebrews 13:7 and 17
    Who am I looking for to watch over my soul? -Matthew 26:36-41 and John 17:1-7

    1. 1)  A man in whom I see Christ. - Matthew 28:18

    2. 2)  Who is connected in relationship. Matthew 8:9; Romans 8:29; Hebrews 2:10-11

    3. 3)  Who loves me such that I trust him. -- Matthew 7:6

    4. 4)  Who will seek God's vision for my life. -- Philippians 2:20-21

    5. 5)  Who, when I ask, will accept responsibility. -Hebrews 13:17

  9. 9)  I am faithful to the Lord in my finances:

    1. A)  Tithing; -- Malachi 3:10

    2. B)  Making offerings; II Corinthians 9:1-10

    3. C)  Giving Alms; -- Acts: 10:4; James 1:27

    4. D)  Becoming debt free. -- Proverbs 22:7

  10. 10)  I am free from relying upon:

    1. A)  Traditions of Men; -- Matthew 15:6

    2. B)  My own performance; -- Galatians 2:21 

             C) Human wisdom. -- I Corinthians 1:17

  1. 11)  I have basic familiarity with:

    1. A)  The Scriptures -- II Timothy 3:16-17

    2. B)  The elementary doctrines of Hebrews 6:1-2.

  2. 12)  I have vision for the Bride of Christ including:

    1. A)  Her eternal nature. -- Hebrews 12:28-29

    2. B)  Her unity -- John 17:20-21

    3. C)  The function of the five gift ministries -- Ephesians 4:11-12

    4. D)  The ministry of the saints -- Ephesians 4:12-13

  3. 13)  I hear God. -- Matthew 16:13-18; John 10:27

  4. 14)  I have a personal sense of vision and calling. - Ephesians 4:1

  5. 15)  I am a servant to Christ, His people, and those He loves. -- Philippians 2:5-7

  6. 16)  I am daily:

    1. A)  Emptying myself; -- Philippians 2:5-7

    2. B)  Denying myself; -- Luke 9:23,

    3. C)  Choosing to die to my own desires. -- Luke 9:23

17)  I humble myself acknowledging my continuing need for God's grace.

His, thus Yours,



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