A quiet chat at Starbucks or Denny’s is more important than a great speaker. If we are to be or make disciples it is in this environment that we must function. There are several aspects to this new style of functioning that need to be recognized.
First, we function within the context of healthy, loving, well maintained, God ordained relationships.
Second, we function on the basis of spiritual revelation not merely with intellectual information.
Third, we function with powerful tools to breakdown the prisons the enemy has built into the lives of people around us.
Fourth, we function connected in strong joints with other individual members of the Body of Christ.
Fifth, we function on the basis of what we see the Father doing and hear the Father saying instead of on the basis of our own good ideas.
Sixth, we function as an intimate part of the world-wide Body of Christ seeing beyond a local group with which we may or may not be working.
Seventh, we function acknowledging that all authority has been given to Jesus so we continually guard ourselves against asserting authority over other people or permitting them to assert false authority over us.
Finally, we function in true humility, not denying who and what we are but internally acknowledging that every good thing or quality we have is ours as a free gift entrusted to us by God not a matter of pride or power over others.
His, thus Yours,
Eighth, you get a really good cup of coffee, which holds its own merit. (Oh)
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