Weapons of Our Warfare
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. II Cor. 10:3-4
I was driving, alone, singing out loud. "Jesus is the answer for the world today ...." Holy Spirit had been listening. He asked me, "Really ? Is He the answer ?" Then He pointed out that if that was real then I do not have any problem. Because a problem with an answer is already solved. Do you also have friends for whom it seems that no matter what you ask the answer is Jesus. And when you ask how does that look you get a response that does not really tell you anything like, "You just have to believe." How different and refreshing it is when someone asking us to pick up some peanut butter says, "Go to the Market of Choice, on Aisle 5, the side near the baked goods, near the bottom. I want the Adams brand, smooth, natural kind."
Because I do not know your community and your situation, I cannot be quite as specific for you as the directions to the peanut butter. I want you to have some answers about your sources that are far more specific than the very general truth that GOD IS MY SOURCE. Of course, He is our source and ultimately our only source. But then He is also the source of peanut butter. But when we want peanut butter we still go to the market as part of our means of going to God.
In Ephesians Paul tells us Jesus has given to us a group of people for the specific purpose of equipping us. The Army has its quartermasters; the Navy has its storekeepers; and we have apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. If you do not have a personal relationship with at least one of each, it is probable that you are lacking some of the weapons and equipment God intends you to have available. These gifts of God in our lives not only supply us with equipment. They also demonstrate and instruct us in its uses.
Apostles impart to the Church the government of God which brings peace and good order. They demonstrate to the saints how the powers of the Kingdom of God overcome all the powers of darkness.
Prophets impart to the Church vision for what Holy Spirit is doing and is about to do. They demonstrate to the saints how we hear God with confidence.
Evangelists impart to the Church the love that Jesus has for the World. They demonstrate how we can love those who seem to be unlovable.
Pastors impart to the Church the special love that Jesus has for each of the saints. They demonstrate faithfulness in our covenant relationships.
Teachers impart to the Church the security and stability arising from our knowledge of our identity as Sons of God. They demonstrate to the saints how to receive revelation from the Scriptures.
In addition to their sophisticated supply and logistics systems, every military organization also has a 'boot camp'; that is a source of intense personal training which accomplishes 4 specific purposes. The Army of the Kingdom of God is the only Army which conducts its boot camp in the middle of enemy territory on the battlefield. The objectives of the bootcamp are these: 1) It breaks the recruit away from his dependence on the lifestyle he lived before he joined the army. 2) It teaches the recruit how to be dependable for the other members of his unit and how to rely upon those other members to do their part in the mission. 3) It introduces the recruit and trains him in the use of his own personal armament. 4) It introduces the recruit to the fundamental customs and traditions of the Army and teaches him how to conduct himself in relationship with his chain of command. This basic training is common to all soldiers in the army. It is typically followed by advanced individual training needed for the specific function a particular soldier will have.
These same functions of basic training and advanced individual training are intended to be accomplished in the context of the discipleship relationship in the Kingdom of God. During this discipling process the individual saint should receive a wide assortment of both defensive armor and offensive weapons. The saint should also receive both training and practical battlefield experience in the use of armor and weapons. The saint who has been discipled should have great confidence that he will remain standing and effective even at the end of the most evil of days.
If we do not have relationships with apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and teachers; if we have not been and are not continuing to be discipled; we should not be surprised when we end up in the midst of battles for which we have not been prepared.
His, thus Yours,
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