A few minutes ago my newest friend, Biro, left me to go and catch her flight to Bali. We started our conversation for the strangest of reasons. She sat down near my luggage as I was finishing the flight check in procedure. As I was returning, I approached from behind her and saw that she had a long graceful neck that reminded me of my wife, Joy. When I sat down across from her I commented about that and she responded and so we continued for most of an hour. She asked about my work. I told her my job is to travel around the world and visit with my friends. She asked more about that and we began to talk about Jesus. She is so hungry to know Him but her mind is still filled with a lot of deception. Alas ..... The conversation ended with an invitation to her to try Jesus when she could not find peace with all her own efforts. She responded with an invitation that she would like to see me in Bali. Who but God knows, I have never been there but I have heard it is an interesting place.
For the past 10 days I have been in Medan. Jesus let me watch Him do some wonderful things. About a third of the congregation I talked with on Sunday morning invited Holy Spirit to come live in each of them. Then Sunday evening a lot of folks in a home meeting also invited Him.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I got to spend each afternoon sharing with a group of young men and women who are studying with an expectation that The Lord will lead them into "ministry". I had a chance to share practical stuff with them. We all fell in love with each other and had a joyous time together. On Wednesday afternoon they let me lead them through a process of getting free from their past. There were many tears as they went through the process of forgiving and releasing the people from the past who had hurt them. But it was followed by great joy when they were free from the demons who had harrassed them for so long. Praise God and WheeeHooo ! as some folks say in Texas.
My heart melted on Saturday night as the extended family gathered and after a wonderful dinner produced a beautiful birthday cake and wished me a happy 67th. Even more I was blessed as last night after a traditional Indonesian feast from street vendors in downtown Medan, one of the older ladies in the family came and presented me with a beautifully made Indonesian batik shirt. I am thrilled with it. I hope when next I see you I can show it off for you.
It was a week of many new experiences. I had, for the first time, a large bowl of goat's head soup. It was actually quite nice. Contrary to what I had heard, Indonesian food is not terribly spicy-hot. Some of it is spicy, but no more so than you would expect when eating Mexican or Tex-Mex foods. I thoroughly enjoyed eating the regular Indonesian foods. I am not much of one for bland foods.
I keep discovering that I have a passion for younger people. When sharing with older religious leaders it is a good thing. Ah, but when sitting out on the ground with a group of 25 people in their early 20's who are hungry to know Jesus intimately in every way they can, wow oh wow. That is a GREAT time. I am beginning to understand why the pharisees and other religious leaders frustrated Jesus so much. He was just looking for people who wanted to be his friends.
Well I think I better get up and walk about a bit so that I am ready to be cooped up on the airplane for 11 hours from here to Paris.
Love to all,
His, thus Yours,
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