There are two things we can observe:
1. The Bible talks a lot about money.
2. Most leaders in the system who talk about money want some of yours.
Let's look,from God's perspective, at a few things about money:
First and foremost, God does not need your money. He has all He needs. More over, He takes care of His children and they never go begging for bread. Thus, it is rational to question what is going on when people who claim to be children of God representing Him come asking you for money.
So, you might ask, if this is true why does the Bible talk so much about money? It is because our attitudes toward money reflect our spiritual condition. Consider, the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil. If you love money, you will be the source of evil stuff. If you keep encountering evil events in your life, perhaps you should re-examine how you really feel and think about money.
Where a man's treasure is that is where his heart is also. This principle gives us a valuable key to helping people identify the problem areas in their lives. If you were to sit down and go through my check book or credit cards, you would learn about what is important to me. If most of my money is spent on myself, you know one thing. If most is spent on my children and grandchildren, you know a different thing. In the same way, if most of the things a man owns are merely expensive toys, it shows one thing. If most are conservative investments, it shows another. None of these areas of the uses of money are inherently evil. But, the pattern shows where the heart of the man is located. When you want to know yourself better, looking at what you have done with your money is a good way to map the location of your heart.
Jesus, when in the Temple, watched what was done about contributions for the needs of the poor. True religion undefiled is to care for the widows and orphans and strangers in our town. He who gives to the poor lends to God. God loves a cheerful giver. Clearly, all these principles point to one truth about God. He gets pleasure out of watching us take care of the truly needy people around us. One of the most destructive things to happen in the history of the United States occurred when we the Body of Christ surrendered to the government the primary responsibility to care for people in need. It has been destructive to the government, the poor, the legal system, the economy, and the Church among other things. God has always desired for us to voluntarily take upon ourselves the personal responsibility to care for people. Voting for the government to take other people's money to do what God called us to do is nothing more than a sophisticated mechanism for stealing. At the same time we are despising the will of God. So, on a practical level, do you have a bit of cash in the back of your wallet so you are prepared to share with people in need ?
Throughout the Scriptures, blessing from God has been poured out on people who voluntarily gave some of what God had entrusted to them in support of those who serve to build and maintain the House of the Lord. Of course, today the House of the Lord is the Body of Christ. In addition, the people of God made special offerings for buildings and things. Notice, under the Law, the tithes went to people; the offerings went for things. Now, of course, we are not under the Law. Thus, tithing is not required. However, in my life I have found going back to look at my giving is a great way to check of the practical levels of my love of the Lord. When tax time comes around and I look at my giving in the prior year, I find an objective way to see. Am I really as passionate in my love for Jesus as I thought I was ? Love is not measured in dollars. But, if I am giving less for the sake of the Kingdom of Grace than I would have given when I was under the Law, I have a need to ask myself, "Why ?"
So, we see patterns in the Kingdom for supporting those who serve, giving for things that are needed, and making provision for the impoverished ones around us. None of this is intended by God to be a matter of compulsion. If you only give gifts to your wife/husband when there is a holiday that requires a gift, how much are you really in love ? God's desire for you is that you would find an attitude in your heart wherein you are delighted to share what you have with Him.
Do not become a surety for another man's debt. The borrower is a slave to his creditor. Neither be a lender nor a borrower. All these principles reflect God's desire that His people stay out of debt. I have a dear friend. He earns a good salary. His wife has been well paid for years. He is called by God to travel throughout the world to serve the saints of God. But, the two of them are so deeply in debt he can not see anyway that he could possibly afford to do what he is called to do before he turns 85 years old. He is not an unusual person. Frequently I meet children of God who have imprisoned themselves in so much debt that they cannot go to serve God's people. Why do we do this? When I was in debt it was for a very simple reason -- my unbelief. I simply chose to believe that God did not love me enough to provide all the things I needed. So, when I wanted something, instead of going to God I went to the credit card. Sadly, I know many many men who worship their credit rating more than God.
These principles of kingdom finance are not important because God needs your money. He does not need it. They are important because in them you find keys to freedom and keys to your being the personal expression of God's character on the Earth.
Thank you so much Stuart for answering my question.... I dearly appreciate it.
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